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Health and Wellbeing

Unheard greatly value the mental health and wellbeing and want to do everything we can to ensure you have all the information and support you need, and to help with that where we can!  

With the current climate, it is vital that we all look after our mental health and keep a check on our friends and family to make sure that they are okay.

We would also like to raise awareness of the other rising issues at this time. With the majority of people at home self isolating, there has been a dramatic rise in cases of domestic violence and abuse in the home, be it physical or mental.


Unheard would also like to offer our greatest sympathies and our thoughts go out to everyone who has lost friends and family due to the outbreak.

Whilst we highly recommend creativity as a great way to achieve some escapism and to help understand and express your feelings, this isn't always enough. 


This is why Unheard have put together some information for you with some useful helplines and services to reach out too if you are in need.


Remember, help is always there if you need it and you are not alone.


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