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Waiting to be Heard

Our first poem of our Black Lives Matter Collection!⁠

‘Waiting to be Heard’ by the wonderful Vida DeLeon

Swipe for stunning imagery by ⁠Sharon Adebisi @artbyadebisi⁠ (follow on instagram!)

eloquently read by Ashleigh Awusie, Kwami-Teye Canacoo and Jasmine Williams

⁠expertly Sound Designed by Karum Cooper

and video design by Vida DeLeon ⁠ and Leonora Nicholson

The system wasn't made to serve everybody but we all have a collective power to change the system. This thought-provoking poetry by Vida DeLeon, asks the important questions: How much would you be willing to take before taking action? What can you do to help create a better future? ⁠

The video features some incredible people that @poetlifeofthelion wanted to celebrate , Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Miles Davis, Audre Lorde and Paul Robinson- if you don't recognise these faces we encourage you to give them a google, their lives, stories and words will inspire you! ⁠

We think it incredibly important to have context for poems and movements alike, so to learn more please go check out, follow and love this page: ⁠@theblackcurriculum⁠ (on instagram)

We welcome your thoughts in the comments. This is a safe space for discussion, please keep it respectful! ⁠

Peace, Love & Justice 🖤⁠

Artwork by Sharon Adebisi (@artbyadebisi⁠)

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