Our first poem of our Black Lives Matter Collection!
‘Waiting to be Heard’ by the wonderful Vida DeLeon
Swipe for stunning imagery by Sharon Adebisi @artbyadebisi (follow on instagram!)
eloquently read by Ashleigh Awusie, Kwami-Teye Canacoo and Jasmine Williams
expertly Sound Designed by Karum Cooper
and video design by Vida DeLeon and Leonora Nicholson
The system wasn't made to serve everybody but we all have a collective power to change the system. This thought-provoking poetry by Vida DeLeon, asks the important questions: How much would you be willing to take before taking action? What can you do to help create a better future?
The video features some incredible people that @poetlifeofthelion wanted to celebrate , Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Miles Davis, Audre Lorde and Paul Robinson- if you don't recognise these faces we encourage you to give them a google, their lives, stories and words will inspire you!
We think it incredibly important to have context for poems and movements alike, so to learn more please go check out, follow and love this page: @theblackcurriculum (on instagram)
We welcome your thoughts in the comments. This is a safe space for discussion, please keep it respectful!
Peace, Love & Justice 🖤
Artwork by Sharon Adebisi (@artbyadebisi)