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Pride and Protest: Love and Touch

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

By Sam Oliver

I started out thinking I would try and say something deep and meaningful about love & touch for this blog, but when I tried to connect with the theme on an intellectual level, I felt blocked. So here’s a couple of my more instinctive responses to these two words.


I love being creative

I love my own company

I love connecting with my emotions, even ones I find difficult

I love moving and being in my body

I love sharing my vulnerability

I love connecting with new people (even via Zoom!)

I love catch ups with good friends

I love seeing others flourish

I love feeling part of a queer community

I love celebrating queer voices


Tell me, how long has it been since you

Opened your arms, felt that sense of

Unconditional love warm your

Chest as you hug, cwtch, embrace

Her, him, them, your loved one.

(I can barely count the hugs I’ve had in 2020 on two hands.

I hope 2021 gives me a few more.)

You could try doing something similar yourself to explore your own connection with love and touch:

- Writing 10 things down that you love, in relation to yourself and others

- Creating a short poem to spell out the word ‘Touch’ (apparently this type of poem is called an ‘Acrostic’ poem. Ya learn something new everyday…)

Merry Queer-mas to you all,



Beyond Words

Our first poem from the Pride & Protest collection is ‘Beyond Words’ written by the amazing Elizabeth Gibson

Read by these beauties: Louise Dalton

Naomi Paul, Christopher Lee Fredrick and Clare Johnson

and sound designed by the wonderful Charlie Foran

Beautiful artwork soon to come by Clare Johnson

Part of our ‘Love & Touch’ theme, this poem is a poignant expression of love, solidarity and hope. Today is World Aids Day 2020. While in-person gatherings like the one described in the poem can’t go ahead this year, there are still plenty of ways to get involved online🖥️

Check out our ‘Love & Touch’ gift-box of culture and resources (in our bio) to explore more ways that people and the arts have responded to HIV & AIDs, including the Act Up activist movement

When you touch me, I fee that I exist

We’re delighted to share the second poem from our Pride & Protest collection, and the final one in the ‘Love & Touch’ theme.

‘When you touch me I feel that I exist’ is by Cole Baker

Read by Louise Dalton , Anonymous and Clare Johnson

Sound Design by Charlie Foran

Artwork by Yiwen Lin

This poem engages the senses and asks us to bear witness to an authentic, assertive communication from one lover to another.

Our ‘Love & Touch’ culture and resources gift-box includes poems, books, songs and films that speak to some of themes in this poem, find it in our bio!

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